Components on the server (2): creating the first bundles

Hopefully you enjoyed the OSGi journey in its first installment.

Though simple and easy to understand, the first example does nothing out of the ordinary. It is far more interesting to start exploiting some of the basic features OSGi gets us “for free”.

For instance, we could begin by moving our first basic implementation into a separate “model” bundle and enhancing the interface so it can throw exceptions. For instance, an exception can be thrown when no implementations are available or cannot be contacted/operated.

Read the rest of the post for the implementation details…

Continue reading “Components on the server (2): creating the first bundles”

Com passa el temps en el món de la indústria informàtica

Estava llegint l’article curtet de la BusinessWeek que comenta breument l’evolució de la situació d’Apple a nivell de borsa.

M’ha cridat l’atenció la següent llista del valor total de l’empresa (market cap):

Microsoft — $236 billion
Apple — $183 billion
Google — $176 billion
IBM — $162 billion
Cisco — $140 billion
HP — $115 billion
Oracle — $111 billion
Dell — $30 billion

Les accions pujen i baixen, però a hores d’ara aquesta és la situació. Com passa el temps i com canvien les coses, no?